Engine Performance Problem
An engine performance problem is any trouble that affects
the power, fuel economy, emission output levels, and dependability of the
engine. Performance problems can be caused by the ignition system, fuel system,
emission control systems, or the engine itself. This makes diagnosis very
challenging. You must be able to narrow down the causes until the faulty system
and part are found.
Locating Engine Performance Problems
Use a systematic approach when trying to locate performance problems. Do NOT use hit and miss repairs.
A systematic approach involves using your knowledge of auto mechanics and logical process of elimination. Think all of the possible systems and components that could upset engine operation. Then, one by one, mentally throw out the parts that could NOT produce the symptoms.
To troubleshoot properly, ask yourself these kinds of questions:
1. What are the symptoms (noise, miss, smoke)?
2. What system could be producing the symptoms (ignition, fuel, and engine)?
3. Where is the most logical place to start testing?
For example, suppose a carburetor equipped engine misses and emits heavy black smoke shortly after cold starting. The heavy black hole would tell you that too much fuel is entering the engine temperature relates to the problem.
Through simple deduction, you should think of the carburetor. It controls the fuel mixture and its choke is affected by temperature. Possibly, the choke is sticking shut, allowing an excessively rich air-fuel mixture to enter to the engine.
As you can see, logical thought will help you check the most likely problems. If your first idea is incorrect, rethink the problem and check the next most likely trouble sources.
Performance problem diagnosis charts
If you have trouble locating an engine performance problem, refer to a service manual diagnosis chart. It will list problem causes and correction. A service manual chart is written for the particular make and model of car, making it vey accurate.
Typical Performance Problems
It is important that you understand the most common engine performance problems. The following will help you use test equipment, troubleshooting charts, and a service manual during diagnosis.
Gregory Lorson
Locating Engine Performance Problems
Use a systematic approach when trying to locate performance problems. Do NOT use hit and miss repairs.
A systematic approach involves using your knowledge of auto mechanics and logical process of elimination. Think all of the possible systems and components that could upset engine operation. Then, one by one, mentally throw out the parts that could NOT produce the symptoms.
To troubleshoot properly, ask yourself these kinds of questions:
1. What are the symptoms (noise, miss, smoke)?
2. What system could be producing the symptoms (ignition, fuel, and engine)?
3. Where is the most logical place to start testing?
For example, suppose a carburetor equipped engine misses and emits heavy black smoke shortly after cold starting. The heavy black hole would tell you that too much fuel is entering the engine temperature relates to the problem.
Through simple deduction, you should think of the carburetor. It controls the fuel mixture and its choke is affected by temperature. Possibly, the choke is sticking shut, allowing an excessively rich air-fuel mixture to enter to the engine.
As you can see, logical thought will help you check the most likely problems. If your first idea is incorrect, rethink the problem and check the next most likely trouble sources.
Performance problem diagnosis charts
If you have trouble locating an engine performance problem, refer to a service manual diagnosis chart. It will list problem causes and correction. A service manual chart is written for the particular make and model of car, making it vey accurate.
Typical Performance Problems
It is important that you understand the most common engine performance problems. The following will help you use test equipment, troubleshooting charts, and a service manual during diagnosis.
Gregory Lorson